Investing Assets


Are you looking for a partner to take care of your investments? Do
you have a specific amount of money available that you would like to invest?
Or would you like good advice but still be able to select and manage your investments yourself?

Looking for a simple solution to help you afford just about anything life hands you? Whether you’re looking to finance a wedding, consolidate high interest debts, take a dream vacation, an emergency trip to the vet, or to catch up on bills –

Whether you want investment advice or asset management:
We at West Offshore Financial Services are here for you.

Investment advice

We know that some people are passionate about the world of finance, always keep an eye on their investments and prefer to make their own decisions. If that is your path, we will advise you, make suggestions, look for the best offers for you – you make the decisions yourself.

Asset management

But we also know that many others want their assets to be well managed. They want safe investments that bring success – without having to constantly worry about them, monitor stock prices and make decisions. If you are one of these people, we would be happy to take over the management of your assets. Together we will develop your basic strategy, within whose limits we act. To do this, our experienced portfolio specialists and analysts monitor a large number of the major bond issuers, stocks and commodity values ​​as well as currencies in the most important economies around the world – and thus provide a solid foundation for the performance of your assets.